Rwanda – Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System for the City of Kigali

Project Data

Country: Rwanda

Location within country: Kigali

Name of Client: City of Kigali (CoK)



Review the planning direction and strategies for the entire City of Kigali

Update the approved changes on the City of Kigali Web GIS server

Harmonise land use and transport plan of Kigali

Carry out a feasibility study for the BRT along the proposed routes at different time periods, including service and operations plan, physical and operational design of the BRT system, traffic engineering improvements, application of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) technologies, fare collection mechanisms, etc.

Evaluate how the BRT system can be used as a way of fostering sustainable land development all along the proposed routes (Transit Oriented Development)

Conduct a risk and sensitivity analysis; to check the robustness of different alternative BRT options

Prepare Preliminary Design and cost estimate of the BRT system

Prepare a formal public involvement/communications plan

Prepare a BRT and general public transport brand concept and related graphic and design criteria

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Spea Engineering in joint venture has been awarded the contract for the development of a Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System for the City of Kigali.

The purpose of this work analytical review of the existing land use and transport models, data collection for the development of an integrated transport and land use model, development of an integrated land use and transport model for the City of Kigali; development of parking strategies, preparation of action plans for development of integrated public transport system.